Case History

Fast Cook OFF – AOP 4240

Banco di prova fast cook off per applicazioni missilistiche
Banco di prova fast cook off per applicazioni missilistiche

The Fast cook off (FCO) Test bench has been designed and built according to the AOP 4240 regulation, respecting its main requirements:

Uniform heat flow with standard deviation of temperatures, on the inside of the core of the fire, less than 10% of the average temp.
Reaching of the hearth temperature of 550° C in 30 sec.
Average heat flow greater than 80 kW/m2 in the first 20 sec. after reaching a min. temperature of 800°C. The core of the fire exceeds by at least one meter on each side of the test object, completely enveloping it.

The Fast Cook Off test allows to determine the degree of reaction of the explosive artifact when it is subjected to a rapid heating induced by the development of incandescent flames coming from hydrocarbon fires.
During the test, the object is enveloped by flames of such dimensions as to ensure that approximately 90% of the heat exchanged is radiative.